Sunday, December 16, 2007

I missed my FATHERS.....

I am leaving alone... far from HOME.....

And one thing I missed .... are my fathers....

Biological and Good Friends who've been my father who helped me walk through life....

Now I am doing things all by myself ....

>missed them so much ....

My Biological Father - Filipino -
Workmate Father - Filipino - "MAGZ" - "Pang"
My American Father - Musician with Global Amnesia -
My 1st Korean Father - "James"
My Japanese Father - "Hiroki Naka"
My 2nd Father - "Miky Hyong" - Gap Jae Shin

I am happy that I have them in my life! They are here in my heart but they are so far, one is in my HOMETOWN (My Real Father) one I will be saying GoodBye (be qutting my JOB), two are back to their country, and one went away for a moment.

Here is a song for them: